Online-Konferenz: Towards intersectionality in language teacher education: Further steps

Mitglieder des IZSLL aus der Didaktik des Englischen (Prof. Gerlach) engagieren sich ebenfalls im TILTED-Netzwerk der University of Edinburgh. Dieses Netzwerk veranstaltet Ende März eine Online-Konferenz zu Intersektionalität und Sprachenlernen. Das Programm finden Sie hier, die Anmeldung ist kostenfrei möglich.
Towards intersectionality in language teacher education: Further steps
28 March 2025 – 12:00-14:00 pm UK time on Zoom
Join us to reflect on how to embed an intersectionality perspective in language teacher education.
TILTED (Towards Intersectionality in Language Teacher Education) is a research group based at Moray House School of Education and Sport, University of Edinburgh. It sits within the Language, Interculturality, and Literacies Thematic Hub.
The aim of this second online conference is two-fold: (1) to learn from researchers based in who have carried out work in the area of intersectionality, and (2) to discuss the ways in which such work can help embed an intersectionality perspective in the area and practice of language teacher education.
Join Zoom Meeting
Meeting ID: 871 0412 9446 Passcode: tilted2025
Programme (UK time):
12:00-12:05: Welcome
12:05-12:35: “Intersecting lives, transforming classrooms: (Re)Imagining language teacher education through intersectionality”, Dr. Veronico Tarrayo (University of Santo Tomas, The Philippines)
12:35-12:45: Q&A and Discussion
12:50-13:20: “Can recent history count as a defining intersectionality dimension? Reflections from the Global South”, Dr. Maria Marta Yedaide (National University of Mar del Plata, Argentina)
13:20-13:30: Q&A and Discussion
13:30-13:50: “Unravelling intersectionality from identity to practice: How intersectional identity shapes pre-service teachers’ perspectives on teaching practice”, Qianyu Yang, Huixin Wang. & Jiaqi Tian (University of Edinburgh, UK)
13:50-14:00: Feedforward